Art of the Root 7 Day Intention Candles


A customer favorite!

The idea is to connect with your ritual candle each day for 7 days- around the same time and in the same place. The energy will grow stronger each day because where your attention goes, energy goes. Things start happening in the unseen realms to assist you! How magical!

When performing the 7 day ritual, be sure to do it with an attitude of gratitude. You can sit with your candle as long as you feel like it. It is helpful to get into a meditative state of mind… Visualize your desired outcome and be thankful that it is on it’s way to you. Let the candle burn for at least 15 minutes each time and when you need to put the candle out, make sure to snuff it out. Do not blow- blowing is believed to blow the magic of the candle away! 

These 5 star candles have been dressed and blessed with the associated herbs and essential oils of each intention. Choose from:

  • Love & Attraction (rose, lavender, passionflower and cherry bark) - Use when wanting to draw in new love interests or to obtain long term relationships, marriage proposals and deeper commitment

  • Road Opener (5 finger grass, lemon balm, High John, abre camino) - For breaking down barriers and removing obstacles. Good for legal battles, opening new doors, fresh starts and leaving the past behind

  • Crown of Success (bay, orange, High John, vetiver)- Stimulates success in love, luck, money and especially new business ventures

  • Money Drawing (alfalfa, cinnamon, chamomile)- Perfect for increasing financial abundance and security. Magnetize wealth and prosperity. Helps with pay raises, promotions and paying debt

  • House Blessing (jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, cohosh)- Brings peace & blessings to a new or old home! Burn during family gatherings to neutralize a stressful atmosphere and protect your energy. Makes a wonderful housewarming gift!

  • High John the Conqueror (High John root, cedar, pine, sandalwood)- Known as the “all purpose” ritual, nothing is more powerful in folk magic than High John! Use to increase power behind any intention… money, luck, love, protection, strength and legal battles.

  • Protection (sage, angelica, eucalyptus, agrimony)- Helps to create an energetic shield against unwanted influences and negativity. Helps to block psychic attacks and bring harmony to chaotic environments. 

Handmade in the USA by Art of the Root.

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A customer favorite!

The idea is to connect with your ritual candle each day for 7 days- around the same time and in the same place. The energy will grow stronger each day because where your attention goes, energy goes. Things start happening in the unseen realms to assist you! How magical!

When performing the 7 day ritual, be sure to do it with an attitude of gratitude. You can sit with your candle as long as you feel like it. It is helpful to get into a meditative state of mind… Visualize your desired outcome and be thankful that it is on it’s way to you. Let the candle burn for at least 15 minutes each time and when you need to put the candle out, make sure to snuff it out. Do not blow- blowing is believed to blow the magic of the candle away! 

These 5 star candles have been dressed and blessed with the associated herbs and essential oils of each intention. Choose from:

  • Love & Attraction (rose, lavender, passionflower and cherry bark) - Use when wanting to draw in new love interests or to obtain long term relationships, marriage proposals and deeper commitment

  • Road Opener (5 finger grass, lemon balm, High John, abre camino) - For breaking down barriers and removing obstacles. Good for legal battles, opening new doors, fresh starts and leaving the past behind

  • Crown of Success (bay, orange, High John, vetiver)- Stimulates success in love, luck, money and especially new business ventures

  • Money Drawing (alfalfa, cinnamon, chamomile)- Perfect for increasing financial abundance and security. Magnetize wealth and prosperity. Helps with pay raises, promotions and paying debt

  • House Blessing (jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, cohosh)- Brings peace & blessings to a new or old home! Burn during family gatherings to neutralize a stressful atmosphere and protect your energy. Makes a wonderful housewarming gift!

  • High John the Conqueror (High John root, cedar, pine, sandalwood)- Known as the “all purpose” ritual, nothing is more powerful in folk magic than High John! Use to increase power behind any intention… money, luck, love, protection, strength and legal battles.

  • Protection (sage, angelica, eucalyptus, agrimony)- Helps to create an energetic shield against unwanted influences and negativity. Helps to block psychic attacks and bring harmony to chaotic environments. 

Handmade in the USA by Art of the Root.

A customer favorite!

The idea is to connect with your ritual candle each day for 7 days- around the same time and in the same place. The energy will grow stronger each day because where your attention goes, energy goes. Things start happening in the unseen realms to assist you! How magical!

When performing the 7 day ritual, be sure to do it with an attitude of gratitude. You can sit with your candle as long as you feel like it. It is helpful to get into a meditative state of mind… Visualize your desired outcome and be thankful that it is on it’s way to you. Let the candle burn for at least 15 minutes each time and when you need to put the candle out, make sure to snuff it out. Do not blow- blowing is believed to blow the magic of the candle away! 

These 5 star candles have been dressed and blessed with the associated herbs and essential oils of each intention. Choose from:

  • Love & Attraction (rose, lavender, passionflower and cherry bark) - Use when wanting to draw in new love interests or to obtain long term relationships, marriage proposals and deeper commitment

  • Road Opener (5 finger grass, lemon balm, High John, abre camino) - For breaking down barriers and removing obstacles. Good for legal battles, opening new doors, fresh starts and leaving the past behind

  • Crown of Success (bay, orange, High John, vetiver)- Stimulates success in love, luck, money and especially new business ventures

  • Money Drawing (alfalfa, cinnamon, chamomile)- Perfect for increasing financial abundance and security. Magnetize wealth and prosperity. Helps with pay raises, promotions and paying debt

  • House Blessing (jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, cohosh)- Brings peace & blessings to a new or old home! Burn during family gatherings to neutralize a stressful atmosphere and protect your energy. Makes a wonderful housewarming gift!

  • High John the Conqueror (High John root, cedar, pine, sandalwood)- Known as the “all purpose” ritual, nothing is more powerful in folk magic than High John! Use to increase power behind any intention… money, luck, love, protection, strength and legal battles.

  • Protection (sage, angelica, eucalyptus, agrimony)- Helps to create an energetic shield against unwanted influences and negativity. Helps to block psychic attacks and bring harmony to chaotic environments. 

Handmade in the USA by Art of the Root.

Protection Bundle
The High Priestess Tarot Candle
Tibetan Brass Bell
Satya Incense
White Sage Smudge Stick