Basic Kitchen Witchery

For the kitchen witch, her sacred space is her home and hearth and her spells are edible and delicious!

The kitchen witch stands less on formal ritual and ceremony- her magic lies in her everyday life…She performs all tasks with magical intent!

Sweeping the kitchen floor is never just house cleaning with the kitchen witch. And creating a meal is never just preparation and cooking.

She is adept with culinary herbs and understands their magical associations - she even grows many of them herself! And those who come to her table can take in the nourishment and healing that she provides.

Originally from Eastern Europe, the effigy of the kitchen witch is usually depicted with a prominent nose and chin and sits upon her broom with either a kerchief or conical hat upon her head. Hung in a window, she brings good luck to the queen of the kitchen. Her energy is patient and wise. She brings good fortune and wards against bad luck.

She is the symbolic companion to the true kitchen witch- one who uses the powers of fire, earth, water and air to create magic and nourishment out of natural ingredients. Kitchen witchery can be very powerful because the crafting is done not only with intention, but the results are then taken into your body.

Are you a kitchen witch? Take a look inside your cupboard and do a magical inventory. Knowing which herbs to use and what their magical properties are can change the way you cook. You can project prayers, thoughts and intentions for healing, love, and prosperity into the food you prepare… This is the same power as performing a “spell”.

Whether you stir the food clockwise or counter-clockwise can also represent specific intentions. For example, stirring a pot clockwise is an invoking gesture for those things you wish to call in or manifest. Stirring counterclockwise will lend energy to those things you wish to release or ward off.

And every kitchen witch needs a trusty Mortar & Pestle to grind herbs, edible flowers and spices!

Some common magickal culinary herbs include:

  • Bay Leaves for success and blessings.

  • Basil for increased stamina. Add to love spells, or eat on a Tuesday to summon physical strength.

  • Chamomile is a strong healing herb. Brew in tea to calm nerves.

  • Cinnamon for igniting passion and bringing swift luck.

  • Garlic has great medicinal properties and is believed to protect against negative energies.

  • Lemon is associated with the moon. Use to revive and cleanse.

  • Mint for increasing memory and sexual stamina.

  • Rosemary for protection and mental clarity.

  • Salt for purification and protection.

Recipe for Herbal Infused Blessed Butter:

1 package of quality unsalted butter from grass-fed cows (Kerrygold or Plugra are good options)

5 tsp finely chopped fresh, organic herbs of your choice (basil, sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, crushed garlic, chives, etc…)

1 tsp lemon zest

Salt to taste

Leave butter to soften at room temperature. Once softened, work the chopped herbs into the butter with the lemon zest and add salt until you are happy with the taste! Shape the butter into a log shape and wrap up with parchment. Say a little prayer to bless the butter with loving/healing intentions and set back into the refrigerator to infuse and incorporate for 24 hours. So easy!

Herb butter will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but you can freeze for up to 6 months.


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