Smudging 101 : How to Use Smudge Bundles

First, gather your desired smudge stick and a bowl or shell to catch any falling ashes and embers during the process



Light the tip of the smudge stick until it catches fire. The fire should settle down after a moment into smoking embers. Fan embers to produce more smoke if needed.


Next, pass the smoke from the smudge stick over personal belongings and in every corner of your space, inside closets and cabinets, floor to ceiling, wall to wall, etc…


As you move room to room with the smudge stick, narrate what you are doing out loud: “I am cleansing and blessing every inch of this space. Banishing all negative and toxic energies…they are no longer welcome here. Inviting in peace, love, harmony, blessings and abundance.” I find that speaking your prayers and intentions aloud and confidently will lend more power to the ritual.


Open doors and windows as you go to usher those bad vibes out and bring fresh air and good energy in.


When you feel you are finished, you can use the bowl or shell to snuff out the burning stick and declare “So it is” to complete the ritual.


Remember to express gratitude and reverence for the herbs and the ancient tradition of smudging. Do not leave burning sage unattended.

*Plant Magic Market is proud to offer ethically and sustainably sourced white sage


Ready to smudge?


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